General Familiarisation
This course:
Category C
This course:
General Familiarisation
This course aims to deliver a high learning experience, enriching our student’s knowledge of this aircraft type, and preparing them for the dynamic and demanding aviation environment.
Category C
Upon completion of this course, the trainee will have acquired the theoretical knowledge required to exercise the privileges of a Category C licence holder, provided they meet the prerequisites required to hold the Category C licence.
For those students wanting a Category C outcome, this course satisfies Category C Type Training requirements as specified in CASR Part 66 Manual of Standards (MOS) Appendix III and ATA 104 objectives as below for licensed aircraft maintenance engineers required to exercise certification privileges.
Level 1 General Familiarisation:
A brief overview of the airframe and powerplant as outlined in the Systems Description section of the aircraft maintenance manual.
For support workers and general interested participants there are no prerequisites other than a genuine interest in upskilling.
For a Category C outcome, the trainee must have held a B1 or B2 Type Rating for at least three years.
Persons enrolling in this training program must have an English speaking proficiency suitable to meeting the ICAO Annex 1 and Annex 10 requirement ICAO Doc 9835.
The Theoretical Element Training (TET) for this program consists of Face-to-Face Instructor-Led Training using the QAC Traditional Classroom and / or Virtual Instructor-Led Training using the QAC Virtual Classroom.
There are facilitated group based activities and formal review for theoretical training
General Familiarisation
Technical Staff associated of Airline Operators, Aircraft Maintenance Organisations and other employees in an aviation related industry who want to become familiar with the aircraft type.
Category C
Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAME) intending to acquire a Category C rating to their existing Part 66 Category B1.1 and/or B2 Aircraft Maintenance Licence.
General Familiarisation
For General Familiarisation outcome, there are no assessments.
Category C
For Category C outcome, the Theoretical Element Training assessment is a multi-choice examination carried out in accordance with QAC procedures approved by CASA and include a closed book, multi-choice examination held at the end of the training.
The minimum pass mark for each examination is 75%.